Let’s say you have an abandoned mine on your property—or a working mine, farm, factory, or process that generates wastewater.
Current systems for handling wastewater are expensive, inefficient, and inadequate. And even if you pay to have the water cleaned to EPA standards, you’re paying a stiff price in terms of both money and the adverse environmental impact.
Auric has a better idea.
1. WASTEWATER SOURCES Auric’s current focus is in four primary areas that can benefit most from a more efficient and cost-effective way to handle and recycle polluted wastewater.
2. AEC PROCESSING The Auric System uses AEC (Advanced Electro Coagulation) to remove contaminants, such as pathogens, heavy metals, and other organic and inorganic materials, resulting in water that is clean beyond EPA standards.
3. SEPARATION Auric treats the captured sludge, separating out the dried minerals into individual components that are capable of being processed and recycled. The water can then be returned to the source for reuse or can safely flow into streams and rivers.
4. KALOR The Kalor unit simultaneously smashes, dehydrates, and micronizes the separated solids into a fine powder— resulting in optimally-sized dried minerals that are ready for processing and recycling.
5. EFFICIENCY MODULE The (EM) Efficiency Module is a proprietary energy recovery device that greatly improves the efficiency and economy of the Kalor unit during operation over extended periods of time.
6. PROCESS & RECYCLE Processed mineral particles are separated, recycled and turned into useful products.